Rosemarked reviewer appreciation giveaway!

Edit: The giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winners: Tiffany H, @thebookenigma from twitter, @owlsneagles from twitter, and @book.words_ from instagram

Rosemarked is finally here!

The good news:  I think Rosemarked is the best book I’ve written thus far, and readers seem to agree.  It’s been chosen as an Amazon best book of the month, RT book reviews called it “an engaging, mesmerizing read,” and School Library Journal says  it’s a “fast-paced, well-written, can’t-put-down fantasy that will appeal to a wide audience.” It’s also been chosen as the featured book for two subscription boxes.

The bad news: Rosemarked’s opening week sales aren’t quite as strong as my first two books.

It’s hard to predict the chaos theory that is book sales, but I’m guessing lots of factors came into play here–Rosemarked coming out the same week as a lot of other amazing books, Amazon pricing the book fairly high for a new release, and that the buzz about the book was fairly quiet until right around release time.

In an effort to get the word out about the book, I’m hosting a reviewer appreciation giveaway. Reviews are one of the best ways to get the word out about a book. An honest review helps book browsers decide if it’s for them, and also helps the book gain traction on Amazon’s algorithms.

Rosemarked Reviewer Appreciation Giveaway Overview

  • Everybody who writes a review or requests the book from their local library gets a signed Rosemarked map print and bookmark.
  • Everyone also gets entered into a drawing for signed copies of all my books, plus a 14 author signed swag pack. Scroll down for pics!
  • If you tweet a link to this giveaway with the hashtag #readrosemarked or post about the giveaway on your instagram stories (and tag @lkblackburne), you’ll be entered into a second drawing for signed copies of all my books, plus a 3 author signed swag pack. (Scroll down for pictures!) One entry per share, you can share up to once a day.

Interested?  Here are more details:

  1. Your review must be posted on a retail site where people can buy the book. (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Book Depository, iBooks, Google Play, etc). While I love goodreads and blog reviews, they don’t count for this giveaway.
  2. It must be clear from the review that you’ve actually read the book.
  3. You can fill out the google form once for each site you posted on.  You get one entry per site.
  4. The giveaway is open from 11/15/17 to 1/31/18. Reviews written before this period are also eligible.  You just have to submit the link to the review during this time.
  5. I realize that not everyone has the budget for hardcover or early release ebooks, and that it sometimes takes a while for libraries to get new releases.  Because of this, I’m offering one honor system library entry per person if you request the book from your local library and promise to review it once you get the book.  To get this entry, enter your email and the webpage of your library into the google form.
  6. This is an international giveaway, though international winners may get signed bookplates and books mailed separately, rather than a signed book.

And here’s a closer look at the prizes:

Everybody gets one of these just for entering:

Here is the grand prize: a 14 author swag/book pack.  Enter this drawing by posting a review!


  1. Signed first edition of ROSEMARKED, plus signed paperback copies of my books MIDNIGHT THIEF and DAUGHTER OF DUSK. (If the winner is international, then I may send signed bookplates separately instead of signing the books directly, for shipping cost reasons.)
  2. Swag from me (all signed): Rosemarked bookplate, bookmark, and map postcard print.  Zivah and Dineas magnetic bookmarks.  Zivah’s garden scented candle. Midnight Thief bookmark and Daugher of Dusk bookmark.
  3. Let’s Talk YA Swag: Bookarazzi bag and Let’s Talk YA planner, both signed by me, Sara Shepard, and E.K. Johnston. Plus set of four “Let’s Talk YA” pins
  4. From Maggie Stiefvater: Signed owl print from ALL THE CROOKED SAINTS tour
  5. From Cindy Pon: Signed WANT print
  6. From Traci Chee: Signed THE READER and THE SPEAKER bookmarks, plus THE SPEAKER quote sticker and “Find your voice” pin.
  7. From Maureen Goo: I BELIEVE IN A THING CALLED LOVE pins
  8. From Elly Blake: Signed FIREBLOOD postcard.
  9. From Lisa Maxwell: Signed THE LAST MAGICIAN postcard, plus three signed bookmarks that come together to form a map of historical New York City.
  10. From Crystal Cestari: Signed THE BEST KIND OF MAGIC postcard, plus “The best kind of magic”  and “I am a vending machine of happy endings” sticker.
  11. From Melanie Crowder: Signed bookmark
  12. From M.C. Atwood: THE DEVILS YOU KNOW magnet.
  13. From Jennifer Brody: Signed THE THIRTEENTH CONTINUUM bookplate and postcard. Signed RETURN OF THE CONTINUUMS POSTCARD. Aeternus Eternus temporary tattoo
  14. From C.B. Lee: Signed NOT YOUR VILLAIN bookmark and Sidekick Squad trading cards

And here is the 3 author book/swag pack. Enter this drawing by doing one of the following:

  1. Tweet a link to this giveaway with the hashtag #readrosemarked, or
    • Here’s a sample tweet, or write your own:  “Enter to win a 14 author signed book and swag pack when you review Rosemarked! #readrosemarked”
  2. Post about this giveaway in your instagram stories and tag @lkblackburne,

you’ll be entered into a drawing for this following prize pack.  You can post up to once a day, one entry per post.

  1. Signed first edition of ROSEMARKED, plus signed paperback copies of my books MIDNIGHT THIEF and DAUGHTER OF DUSK. (International winners might get the unsigned books  , plus signed bookplates mailed separately)
  2. Swag from me (all signed): Rosemarked bookplate, bookmark, and map postcard print.  Zivah and Dineas magnetic bookmarks.  Zivah’s garden scented candle. Rosemarked pin. Midnight Thief bookmark and Daugher of Dusk bookmark.
  3. Bookarazzi bag and Let’s Talk YA planner, plus teal Let’s Talk YA pin.

Thanks everyone, and good luck!