Daughter of Dusk, the sequel to Midnight Thief, launched on August 4th. A huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to read and share Kyra’s story.
To wrap up the first month of release, the Midnight Thief ebook is on sale for 99 cents on all ebook retailers from 9/10-9/13! If you haven’t read it yet, grab it from Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iBooks, or Google Play. (Edit: In addition, Amazon allows you to buy an audiobook with the ebook for $3.99 more, so you can get both the kindle ebook and audiobook for under $5.)
And if you’ve read MT already, I’d really appreciate help spreading the word about the deal. To make sharing the news more fun, I’m hosting a giveaway for a big Midnight Thief universe prize pack. Here’s a picture of what you’ll win:
It includes:
1. An audiobook of Midnight Thief
2. An signed copy of Poison Dance. (With author’s handwritten annotations in the margins, if you’d like).
3. An early draft of Daughter of Dusk with author’s editorial marks.
4. Assorted swag.
It’s an international giveaway, and you can enter by sharing this post. See the rafflecopter below.
Hardcover: Indiebound | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository (Free international shipping)
Ebook: Kindle | Nook | Kobo | iBooks | Google Play
Hardcover: Indiebound | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Book Depository (free international shipping)
Ebook: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Google | Kobo