I’m excited to announce that the launch date for I DREAM OF POPO is coming quickly.
The early critical reception has been really fantastic. Publisher’s Weekly and Kirkus magazine have both given it starred reviews. This is what they say:
“A richly nuanced narrative that illuminates the interstices of one family’s diasporic experience.” —Publisher’s Weekly, starred review.
“Sympathetic, gentle treatments of aging and illness convey life’s inevitabilities with a loving imagination steeped in the scent of sweet osmanthus. . . Readers will connect with this visual story on various levels or learn something new; possibly both.” —Kirkus, starred review.
Several months ago, I asked if folks would be interested in a preorder special. It’s taken a while, but we’ve finally set it up.
For those of you who’ve participated in previous preorder specials, this one is slightly different because my publisher’s running it. People who submit proof of purchase to their website will receive postcards and a signed art print. You can buy the book anywhere, but books purchased from Once Upon a Time will be signed and personalized.
Here’s the link to submit your receipt.
And here is where you can buy it.
Order I Dream of Popo from:
Hardcover: Once Upon a Time (signed and personalized) | Bookshop | Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Blackwell’s (free international shipping)
Ebook: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Kobo
And one final note. This offer is U.S. only, but if international readers send me their receipts at liviablackburne at gmail dot com. I’ll send you what swag I can.