Midnight Thief ARCs (advanced review copies) made their debut at The National Council of Teachers of English conference last month. It’s strange knowing that there’s copies of the book out there… somewhere… having adventures. Too bad ARCs can’t send postcards home or post selfies on their instagram feeds.
But I do have news of one particular ARC. I received an email from an English teacher who had given her 7th grade students a chance to read and review the ARCs that she brought home from NCTE. And one student reviewed Midnight Thief. Here’s her review. 🙂
Review of Midnight Thief
By: C., a 7th grader from the Boston area
I liked the book The Midnight Thief and I would recommend it for three reasons. Three words to describe the book is exciting, mysterious, and adventurous. I think the first chapter is the most intriguing because of what was happening.
The first reason I would recommend the book is because it was exciting. Kyra, the thief, is a mysterious character and has to make many difficult decisions. In the first chapter, for example, Kyra is on a mission to steal a ruby from the Palace. She could have died, but she went anyway.
The second reason I would recommend Midnight Thief is because the book is mysterious. Kyra gets a job to work for the leader of the Assassins Guild and she had to team up with her enemy to keep her secret safe and try to survive and seek vengeance. She has to do this because someone was murdered. This book is also scary at some points too.
The third reason I would recommend this book is because it is adventurous. Kyra’s missions are very adventurous. She has to jump from high heights, rob sleeping people, and she has to risk getting caught. Kyra could die anytime and it is just nerve-racking and adventurous. Midnight Thief brings out the emotions in you and the adventures Kyra goes on make you want to keep reading.
Those are the three reasons I liked and would recommend this book. I would recommend this book to people who like adventurous, mysterious, and exciting books. Once you start reading you will not want to stop. All three adjectives describe the book perfectly and describe the cover. I loved the book so I really think you should read the book too. I think you will love every part of the book. So please, read Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne!
Thanks for the awesome review, C., and thank you Ms. H. for forwarding it to me. In the publishing craziness of launches, royalties, deadlines, and contract clauses, it’s nice to get a reminder of why we write in the first place.
And Midnight Thief is now up for preorder! If any of you want to check out the exciting, mysterious, and adventurous tale, hope on over to one of these vendors.