Sign up for ROSEMARKED’s cover reveal and win prizes!

Edit: Signups are now closed. Congratulations to @vixenreads for winning the prize pack!


We have a final cover for ROSEMARKED! It’s gorgeous 😀

I’m excited to share it with you all, and we’re trying something a bit different this time: a crowdsourced twitter, instagram, and facebook reveal.  And there are prizes for participating!

Here are the details.

When: June 8, 2016.

Who can participate: Anyone with a twitter, facebook, or instagram account can participate.  If you’d like to be eligible for the prize though, your post needs to be visible to the general public.

What’s involved: On June 8, I’ll email you the cover and the link to a giveaway. I’m asking all participants to post them to their accounts. (Since instagram doesn’t do links, those folks can link to my profile instead.)

Perks: In addition to being the first people to see the cover, everyone who participates will be automatically entered for the prize pack below!  You get one entry per network, and this is open internationally.


  1. Signed first edition of MIDNIGHT THIEF
  2. Signed first edition of DAUGHTER OF DUSK
  3. Signed advanced review copy of ROSEMARKED
  4. Bound early draft of ROSEMARKED with author’s editorial marks
  5. Signed Midnight Thief bookmark
  6. Signed Daughter of Dusk bookmark
  7. Signed bookplate



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